Change Requests

We’re pleased to announce that the change request process for SPF projects in North Wales has now been extended to include the ability to request an extension to a project’s end date beyond 31 December 2024.

As you know, the SPF programme itself ends on 31 March 2025. The UK Government have indicated that there will be no change to this deadline; any SPF North Wales money which is unspent will be lost from the region.

To maximise the opportunity for projects to finish successfully; the six North Wales Councils have agreed to consider requests to extend project end dates into January – March 2025 (requests should be for the minimum necessary).

Requests to extend a project’s end date will be considered on a case-by-case basis and only granted by exception where a clear case is presented that granting more time will mitigate a risk of underperformance (in terms of spend and/or results) or enable additional outputs / outcomes to be achieved.

(Note that individual requests will also have to be considered in the context of SPF North Wales as a whole – Local Authorities will be under no obligation to permit extensions, any decision to do so will be entirely at their discretion.)

As is the case for any material change, if you wish to seek an extension to your project end date, you must discuss the matter with your local SPF Team in the first instance before completing / submitting a formal Request for Change. An updated version of the form is available below. 

Where an extension to a project’s end date is permitted, this will be formalised through a letter of variation to the Grant Funding Agreement. Where extensions are granted, project sponsors must commit to providing timely and accurate claims.