
We can offer support to suit the needs of individual projects, whether through face-to-face meetings, telephone conversations, e-mail or webinars.

Final Claim Guidance

The following guidance is provided to assist projects in submitting their Final Claim.

Key Points:

  • Claim Form: Projects should use their existing claim form (spreadsheet) to submit their final claim.
  • New Final Progress Report: This replaces the current Progress Report and is mandatory for all Grant Recipients.
  • Evaluation Report: Must be submitted with the Final Progress Report and Claim Form. Further information on timing (draft or final) can be found in the guidance below.
  • Final Claim Submission Date: The date is  specified in the project Grant Award letter or in the project Letter of Variation, if a time extension has been granted.

Projects should contact their local SPF team, the Multi LA Lead, or the SPF North Wales Regional Team if they require any further guidance or support.